sábado, 3 de abril de 2010

Remember me

Yesterday I went to the movies with a friend and we watched Remeber Me. We went to watch it specially since my friend loves Robert Pattinson and everything realted to him (Audrey hates him so much!) anyways, we went and watch it, and we loved it! I really think you should go and watch it, the end of the movie is shocking, it was the aprt I enjoyed the most! It's really unexpected. Here I leave the trailer :)

Ayer fui al cine con una amiga y vimos Remember me. Principalmente fuimos a verla por mi amiga, ya que le encanta Robert Pattinson y todo lo que tenga que ver con él ( Audry le odia con toda su alma jajaja), bueno el caso es que fuimos a verla, y nos encantó!, os la recomiendo, la verdad que en el final de la pelicula te quedas en estado de shock, y es lo que más me gustó,estuvo muy original. Aqui os dejo el trailer :).


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